
Connor Coloma and Patrick Schwendeman
WSAA State Target, 2017

Adult divisions are available in age groups of:

Pro and Senior Pro
Master Senior (Age 70+)
Silver Senior (Age 60+)
Senior (Age 50+)
Adult (Age 18+)

Junior divisions are available in age groups of:
Young Adult (15-17 years of age)
Youth (age 12 through 14)
Cub (8-11 years of age)
PeeWee (under 8 years of age)

Division is determined by birth DATE.
The day you turn 8, you become a Cub.
The day you turn 12, you become a Youth.
The day you turn 15, you become a Young Adult.

Junior archers may elect to compete in any higher age division, junior or adult, with written parental consent. This letter will be held by the Tournament VP. Once this option has been exercised, the archer may not revert back.


Field Tournaments:
Young Adult & Up - 80 yds
Youth - 50 yds
Cub - 30 yds
Peewee - 15 yds

Young Adult & Up - 101 yds
Youth - 50 yds
Cub - 30 yds
Peewee - 15 yds

Young Adult & Up - 60 yds
Youth - 50 yds
Cub - 25 yds
Peewee - 15 yds

Noah Bowerman
2nd Place
2017 Western Classic/NFAA Marked 3D Championship

Patrick Schwendeman
2017 Washington State
Outdoor FITA Championship

JOAD/USA Archery
Junior (J) Through the year of 20th birthday
Cadet (C) Through the year of the 17th birthday
Cub (K) Through the year of the 14th birthday
Bowman (B) Through the year of the 12th birthday
Yeoman (Y) Through the year of the 9th birthday
Seniors (S) Over 20 years—no Master’s Division

Format for FITA 1440/720 Rounds

WSAA Tournament Bow Styles

Any bow hand held and hand drawn, maximum 80 pounds peak draw weight, maximum 280 feet per second speed.

    FS               Freestyle -  Generally, any bow, sight, release aid.
    FSL             Freestyle Limited - Same as above, but no release aids.
    BB               Barebow - No sights, no release aids. String walking, long stabilizer, level, and clicker OK. 
    FSL/R         Freestyle Limited Recurve - Recurve or Longbow, sights and fingers, no string peep, no magnification, nothing electric.

    BHFS          Bowhunter Freestyle - five fixed reference points, release aid, stabilizer no more than 12" long. No lens, no clicker.
    BHFSL       Bowhunter Freestyle Limited - as above, but no release aids.
    BH              Bowhunter - No sights or release aids, stabilizer 12" long, no clicker or level, must touch arrow when drawing.
    Trad            Traditional - Recurve or Longbow, no sights or release aids, 12" stabilizer, must touch arrow when drawing.

    LB               Longbow - Straight-ended longbow, no sights or release, no stabilizer, must touch the arrow when drawing, must use WOOD arrows.

* Young Adult, Youth, Cub and Pee Wee shoot FS, FSL, BB, or FSL/R and BHFS only.