What is a Safari Tournament?
WSAA Safari Championship Tournament Rules
1. Round: a 70-target course, shot over two days. Targets are safari type paper animal targets; large 3-D animal i.e. caribou, moose, bison, may be substituted at longest distances.
2. Divisions: Male and Female in all NFAA groups: Pro, Senior Pro, Master Senior, Senior, Adult, Young Adult, Youth, Cub, and PeeWee.
3. Styles: Adults and Seniors shoot Freestyle, Freestyle Limited, Barebow, Bowhunter Freestyle, Bowhunter Freestyle Limited, Bowhunter, Traditional, Freestyle Limited Recurve. Juniors shoot Freestyle, Freestyle Limited, Barebow, and Freestyle Limited Recurve only. Master Seniors shoot Freestyle, Freestyle Limited, and Barebow only. Pros and Senior Pros shoot Freestyle and Freestyle Limited only. (Juniors are under 18 years of age)
1. There may be more than one shooting stake on a lane i.e. AM and PM or Saturday and Sunday. Archers must shoot from the correct stake. Two or more archers may shoot at the same time. Foot position should straddle an imaginary line through the stake.
2. This is a two-arrow shoot. Score 11-spot, 10-kill, and 8-wound. Any part of the animal scores, but it must be a part of the animal. Touch the line on the kill area for the higher score. The arrow must touch the orange of the spot for 11 points. Any hit on an animal without a kill ring is 10 points. Combined value of the two arrows counts – max score per target is 22.
3. There may be more than one face posted on a bale, or there may be more than one spot / kill ring on an animal. Both arrows must be in the same face or kill ring for score. On targets less than 10 yards, the archer may shoot two different dots or two different animals.
4. All arrows must be in the target to score. Bounce-outs shall be re-shot. Un-witnessed pass-throughs can be re-shot; if witnessed, scored as seen.
5. Adult maximum distance 101 yards, minimum distance 2 yards. Youth archers will shoot from the adult stakes unless the distance is over 50 yards. Cubs and PeeWees will have their own shooting stakes. Maximum distance for Cubs is 30 yards. PeeWee maximum distance is 15 yards. If distance is less than 10 yards, all divisions shoot from the same stake. Adult and Senior archers competing in the Traditional style will shoot from the “Youth” stakes. (Effective 1 June 2010)
6. Target, kill, and spot size shall be in proportion to the distance. Spot size shall be: Up to 12 yards, 1.5”; 13-34 yards, 3”; 35-54 yards, 4”; 55-70 yards, 5”; 71-88 yards, 6”; 89 + yards, 8”.