Outdoor Prep

What do I need to do to prepare for an outdoor tournament?

Outdoor season is a LOT of fun!

This should give you an idea about what to expect at an outdoor tournament, and how you should prepare for a day of hiking!

Hiking boots.  You should have a good pair with a solid tread.  Tournaments are held in all kinds of weather conditions, which can change while you are out, so you'll want to be ready for any of it.  You can spend a lot of money on boots, but personally, we get great deals at Big 5 for some nice, reliable, sturdy boots.  (Kids grow!)

Layers.  It can be pretty chilly to downright cold in the early morning starts.  Wear layers that can be taken off during the day, if necessary.

Rain gear is important.  We live in the Pacific Northwest!

A hat.  Stocking cap for the cold weather, baseball cap for shade, whatever you think is comfortable.

Consider bringing an umbrella.  Not only is it good in the rain, but it also doubles when it's sunny and you need shade, or to shade an archer to block the sun glare.

Fingerless gloves - $1 pair of knit gloves from Walmart, Fred's, maybe even the Dollar Store, and just clip the fingers off.

Hot Hands - Available on Amazon (link left), or at any sports store, Fred's, Walmart, etc.

small towel to wipe your gear.

First aid - bandaids, Neosporin, tweezers, toilet paper and a zip-loc or grocery bag for garbage.

Change of clothes to have in the car for the end of the day, especially dry socks.


Spray bottle (when it's hot)  

Cooling Towels are awesome for the trails and the flat range!

Once you are out on the course, you are out on the course.  You can't turn around and go backwards.  Be ready for a full day with food, drinks and snacks.  (Some clubs have food available, grill going with fresh burgers, etc. but you'll still want to be prepared in case you don't have time for a lunch break.)

Lots of hydration!  Water, water, water.  There are electrolyte concentrated squirts and powder packs to put in a water bottle such as Powerade, Gatorade, etc.  Freezing a water bottle doubles as an ice pack and will thaw throughout the day to drink.

Snacks - jerky, beef sticks, pepperoni, dried fruit, nuts, candy bars, Clif bars, granola bars, trail mix with M&M's (crucial!), fruit leather, carrot sticks, fruit cups, hard boiled eggs

Sandwiches - tortilla wraps won't get smashed like bread

Outdoor tournaments are AWESOME!
If you've never done one, get out there!  See you on the trails!

Experienced archers, send me a note with suggestions to add to the list!